Thursday, January 17, 2008

Article from Saint Louis Bride

The Spring/Summer 2008 issue of Saint Louis Bride features an article on bridesmaid dress trends, including accessories. Four of my pieces/collections were featured in the article. I must admit, it was pretty fun to see my name in print! The pictures are small, but anywhere you see jewelry in the spread, it's my work.


Cheryl said...

That is awesome Christie! Emma loved her Christmas present, and she was so excited Megan got one too. I an't wait to find an excuse to order something for me!

Christie & Roger said...

I'm so glad the girls loved the bracelets!

Jennifer said...

Christie - that is so exciting. Congrats to you. I'm so envious of the fact that you had the guts to quit your "day job" to follow your passion!

Stephanie said...

Congrats that's exciting!

N. said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting and quite an achievement!!

Amy said...

I am amazed by you- what can you not do?? BTW I can't read your other blog- it is driving me crazy that my computer won't let me!! Hope everything is going great with you!!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool Christie!! Congratulations!

~aj~ said...

You go girl! That is awesome!!!

Boyd Team said...

That is awesome Christie! Congrats! You are so talented!