Saturday, February 7, 2009

Big things are happening!

I'm happy to announce that Lillie is finally rolling over! As much tummy time as we did with her, she never learned how to roll from belly to back. She surprised us by rolling 4 times from her back to her belly on January 28th. She has only done it a total of 7 times, but at least we know she is physically capable of rolling!

Secondly, I am working again...three days a week. I survived my first week back and have to hand it to the moms that juggle motherhood and working. I'll be working 25 - 30 hours a week at a cpa firm in Clayton. They are super accommodating and allow me a lot of flexibility in my schedule. It's been fun talking with people my own age and height! I think it will add some dimension to my life that has been so absorbed in Lillie for the past 6 months.

And because no post is complete without a picture, here is one of Lillie practicing her sitting skills.


Cecilia said...

Congrats on the milestone!!! How exciting. I know how hard it is going back to work, but it is nice to talk to adults. She is such a cutie pie.

Katie said...

Aww, she is absolutely adorable!!

Krissy said...

Glad to hear that work is going good! And I love that pic of Lillie -- especially her little hairbow!!!!

Jen said...

She is just SO incredibly cute :) Good luck with work - I know it's got to be hard, but you can do just about anything!

Melissa said...

Oh good! See, babies take their time and do things when they please. Just wait until she is crawling!

Christy Oldham said...

How exciting that she's rolling over! I love that big grin in the picture! Hope work continues to go well for you! We need to get Lillie and Andi together one day!!!

Kristin said...

That's so awesome she rolled :) One less thing for you to worry about now! Glad work is going well for you! I'm sure the grandparents are enjoying their time with Lillie. Alright - back to my little terror....!

Maria said...

Way to go Lillie!!!